Beachley Launch Tractor Shed

The New Beachley Lifeboat Launch Tractor Shed


We need to build a home for our new
Lifeboat Launch Tractor!

In 2024 we raised the funds for the new Lifeboat Launch Tractor for SARA Beachley.  The good news is that we have now sourced a fantastic machine, and a great team of engineers who will fully refurbish and marinise it for us.  It is on order and we expect delivery in the spring.
We now need to build it a home – a new ‘Launch Tractor Shed.  The tractor will larger than the current vehicle and will not fit in the space in the boathouse where the current one lives – but it is really tight for space there and a little more room will really help with the storage of equipment, space to carry out maintenance on the boats and space in the changing room.  
We have been incredibly fortunate in that a plot of land at the Ferry Inn development site has been allocated to us.  We have had planning drawings prepared, and the application for planning consent has been submitted.  It is in the perfect location to help us really streamline our launch procedure.  The cost will be in the region of £60,000 and raising this will be the focus of our project fundraising during 2025  
We are also hoping that local construction industry businesses including materials suppliers, CDM professionals, engineers, trades and anyone else who can help this project happen would be interested in being a part of it.  If this could be you or your organisation please get in touch with Mary Miller at to discuss.

Tractor Shed Fundraising

We have a number of events already planned for 2025 to help us get to our target!  

We kicked off with a Bingo night at the start of February which raised £435,

There will be a Ceilidh in June and a Golf Day in September – and much else besides!  Look out for announcements.

Donate now to the Shed Campaign!

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